"Would you like to try some Louis XIII cognac?"
Would I?
Does a duck swim?
Frank J. poured me a nice glass of this famous cognac. I'd had it only once before, at a Walnut Creek's "Le Virage" ... sadly, long-defunct. Seeing as how I'm not King Midas, I hadn't expected to taste this luxury of luxuries for years to come, and Frank's offer was a welcome surprise.
Louis XIII is made by Remy Martin. Frank is an educator, with years of top-notch experience and education, employed by Remy Martin. We met a an event where he was providing an educational presentation on cocktails, drinks (there's a difference!), and their components. Before the night was through I'd learned that Louis XIII is among the world's original luxury goods ... long before newcomers like Lamborghini and Rolex came on the scene.
It went down with ultra-smoothness - no wonder, the oldest cognac mixed in with this batch dated from 1900! I'm typically a monk when I'm working, not touching anything stronger than water, but this was an exception that couldn't be passed up. And with no consequences ... it was mellow, not hard-hitting, and I was able to work without any hint of haziness. It conveyed an impeccable warmth, with no ill-effects at all.
A real treat. Thanks, Frank.