Well, like an addict I can't pass by a pawpaw, even if the thing is about to turn black from old age - which sneaks up on these treats mighty fast. Generally, I eat as little fruit as possible but these things are great. I'm a sucker for their custard-like taste and consistency and vaguely floral aroma.
Confusingly enough, some think that the word "pawpaw" comes from the word "papaya". Supposedly of Southern/Midwestern origin, I'm not sure where my local Farmer's Market acquired their specimens. A couple of times a year I'll run across them, and in fact it's rare if they are available two weeks in a row.
An admission ... I haven't kept any of them around the house long enough to do any recipe experimentation with these fruits. I advise all who can find them to buy at least one, eat it QUICKLY, and see why I took up a whole blog entry to rave about pawpaws.